Who is the Wild Animal Health Fund?

The Wild Animal Health Fund (WAHF) is not your average conservation program. In fact, there are not other conservation programs like us on the planet. The Wild Animal Health Fund, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, is a program of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV).
WAHF is solely focused on funding humane health studies for zoo animals and wildlife. Zoo and wildlife veterinarians face new challenges almost daily in diagnosing, treating and preventing diseases in our animal friends. When confronted with unknowns, they apply for grant from the WAHF to study the problems and come up with solutions. And they do this solely for the benefits of the animals in their care.
Why Did We Establish Wild Animal Health Fund?
AAZV has played a role in many zoo animal and wildlife medicine breakthroughs for over 70 years. These breakthroughs have helps to diagnose, prevent and enhance treatments for diseases. In addition, we have facilitated advances in reproduction, anesthesia and pain management. Since more and more wildlife animals have been identified as needing medical attention, there is so much more to discover.
Because we deal with hundreds of species, wildlife and zoological medicine lags behind out knowledge base for domestic and agricultural animal medicines. With the support of the Wild Animal Health Fund over the last few years, more than 60 different species of zoo animals and wildlife are living healthier lives and benefiting from our studies.
We’re Making A Difference
The research that the WAHF supports turns scientific ideas into real-world benefits for the zoo animals and wildlife in all habitats. In addition, we apply much of what we learn in zoo animals to animals in the wild, helping to slow the rate of extinction.
With a vast number of species, and the fact that almost every animal is different, we need more veterinary medical research in order to provide the best help possible. This is where we make a difference.
We are different than the other conservation groups! While there are other extremely successful conservation efforts going on around the world, we know that we need a lot more research to properly understand diagnosis, medicine, surgery, disease prevention and reproduction of each species to help with these conservation efforts.
Can You Help?
Yes! Yes, you can! Act Now! This is the time to donate to the Wild Animal Health Fund to support vital, peer-reviewed and monitored health studies for zoo animals and wildlife.
The extinction clock is ticking!