Animals Are Going Extinct in the Wild
Virtually everyone knows that many animals are going extinct in the wild, but did you know there are some species that no longer exist outside of zoos, aquariums and wild animal parks? These species may be next on the list for the extinction. Although efforts may be too late for some species, there are still…
Read MoreMany Animals Suffer From Human Diseases
Did you know that zoo animals and wildlife suffer from the same health conditions and diseases as humans? Unlike humans, though, zoo animals and wildlife are programmed to hide their pain and vulnerabilities. This is a survival mechanism in order to look and vulnerable. Sadly, this causes most species to suffer in painful silence. Many…
Read MoreAnimal Health: What’s important?
When it comes to zoo animal and wildlife health, which of the following do you feel is most important? A. Focusing on threatened/endangered species. The extensive list can be found on the IUCN Red List.B. Expanding grants for all kinds of wild animal health research. Click here to see the list of species that have…
Read MoreZoo Veterinarians; It’s a way of life
Do you love your job? Kansas City Zoo veterinarian, Dr. Kirk Suedmeyer will be the first to say that if you follow what you are passionate about, your job will never be work, but rather a fulfilling way of life. From the time he was a child, when his mom and grandma would take him…
Read MoreMoving Exotic Animal Research Further Together
In this article, Mazuri highlights the progress the Wild Animal Health Fund has made just in four years. It explains the need for critical research projects in the zoological community. Mazuri Exotic Animal Nutrition is a long-time supporter of the Wild Animal Health Fund. Mazuri offers high-quality exotic animal nutrition solutions for the well-being of…
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