Your support today will help us to do our part to make sure hundreds of bats don't die for the lack of a potential treatment.
The bats need the forest, and the forest needs the bats.
They don't all live in caves. Like many bat species, the straw-colored fruit bat's home is the tropical rainforest. They are vital to the survival of these forests because they are a primary pollinator of plants. The population of this species is in decline and much of their habitat is in danger. Due to this trend, the IUCN Red List now classifies these bats as Near Threatened. If the threats to their habitat continue, we can expect a further decline in their numbers. The Wild Animal Health Fund is a beacon of hope for this species. The Fund will provide resources from veterinarians to better understand their health. This information will be crucial in the battle against their extinction.
100% of every dollar you give to the Wild Animal Health Fund goes to fund research grants. Even a donation as little as a dollar can make a difference. So make a difference and together, we can give scientists the tools they need to protect these wonderful animals.