Wild Animal Health Fund Blog

Conservation and…Ice Cream?

Dr. Kyle Donnelly is a zoo veterinarian at the Brevard Zoo

Dr. Kyle Donnelly is a zoo veterinarian at the Brevard Zoo and Sea Turtle Healing Center in Melbourne, Fl. Conservation and ice cream? Behind the scenes of your local zoo amazing things are happening. For the general public, a day at the zoo might…

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Zoos are better for kids than theme parks

three children

Remember the “got your nose” trick as a child? I’m not sure about you, but I always fell for it. That’s part of being a kid though, believing what you see and taking everything as it is. Kids are special in that way, and…

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5 Careers that Help Animals (Wildlife Edition)

Kunene Rhino Conservation

As a kid, I would have told you quite proudly that I was going to be an “animal saver.” My mom stopped pressing me about it after the 1000th lizard I rescued (by rescuing I mean bringing into the house as my new pet).…

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What are invasive species, and why should we care?

invasive species

According to the National Invasive Species Center, an invasive species is any living organism (or microbe for you science people) that enters a foreign ecosystem. The introduction of invasive species is also considered likely to cause economic, environmental, or human harm. How do they…

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You don’t want to miss this podcast!

Rossifari logo

I believe in science, I believe in truth. Hello, I’m Jon Rossi. I’m a touring drummer with the love for all things. Again, when I’m on the road, I spend as much time as possible. Visiting zoos, aquariums, rescues, and rehab facilities. Now I…

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10 Ways You Can Help Endangered Animals

Feeling helpless when it comes to helping endangered animals? Here are 10 easy ways to help: To learn more about endangered animals, check out this page. We’d love to have you join our family on socials! Instagram Facebook

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Women in Wildlife Research

Did you know some of the most powerful voices in zoo animal and wildlife research have been women? Several of these women paved the way during a time when women weren’t in conservation. You can thank these women for the protection of species like:…

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Why are the Rhinos disappearing?

Today, three out of the five rhino species is considered Critically Endangered, or is facing extinction. So why are rhinos disappearing? The biggest threat is poachers killing the 5,000 pound creatures for their horns. A large percentage of this poaching has taken place in…

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In Situ vs. Ex Situ Conservation

Different types of conservation Did you know that there’s a name for the different types of conservation? Latin for “in” and “out” of place, in situ and ex situ describes the location for wildlife.  In situ refers to the animal’s original home and ex…

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